Call or Text me on 07912 375667

Homeopathic treatment in Lanarkshire, Glasgow & beyond
Based in The Village Homeopathic Practice in East Kilbride, Jim Quinn Lic.LCCH, PCH, RSHom is a highly knowledgeable practitioner with more than 27 years experience.
Expert Advice
No Side Effects
Proven Track Record

Alternative Medicine
I provide a high level of professional care, and ensure all treatments are tailored to the individual. Most consultations can be completed over a video call.
Homeopathy is a safe, holistic medicine, which is suitable for a wide range of acute and chronic conditions. Whether it's a long standing problem with stress for example, or difficulty during your pregnancy, I will be pleased to help. Some of the many conditions I can help with are:
Children's' health
Anxiety, panic, depression and/or stress
Menopausal problems
Acute and chronic conditions
Recurrent infections
Insomnia and fatigue

Why Choose Jim Quinn?
Although most consultations are done by video call, I can be available for local home visits in certain circumstances.
Safe treatments
No unpleasant side effects
Proven results
Competitive rates
Friendly and personal service
Confidentiality assured
Full liability insurance
I strive to ensure my patients feel positive, having had the best available treatment.
If you require help don't delay, contact Jim today!

Get in touch today for Homeopathic treatment in Lanarkshire, Glasgow and beyond.
To book an appointment or have an informal chat to see if homoeopathy is the right choice for you, please do not hesitate to call or text:
07912 375667